Friday, February 5, 2016

Hello everyone! Chapter 41 is out! Many thanks to Sam Ellis for sponsoring this chapter! Enjoy!

Ps: Sorry that it has been released so late, I had some technical problems... namely, I accidentaly deleted the file when it was almost done, and had to re-write it in its entirety.


  1. OK Baron is a guy baronet is a girl.your story is good BUTtt its like u are trying to hard so it seems empty/laking like the story board is there but not the sean2sean. Keep writing and I will keep readng

    1. Baron/Baroness--> Lord/Lady of a barony.

      Baronet/Baronetess-->Lord/Lady of a baronetcy.

      Baron and baronet are both male, but they are 2 different titles, the first (baron) being ranked above the second (baronet).

      Thanks for reading my story.

    2. Learning something new what do u find the most fun about writing and the least?
